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Flower Saturday

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Every Saturday 12 - 6 pm, we will be featuring talented local floral artist, Kumi Asari's flower bouquets at our shop. 

Starting from $30 and up to $60, you will find her sophisticated arrangements and bouquets with fresh flowers.  Each week she will use her hand-picked flowers to make different bouquets. Stop by our shop to get one of bouquets before visiting your friend's apartment. 


  • Hello,
    My name is Cameron James the owner of SKY SUPPLIERS, i will like to order for some products in your company.

    1) Do you supply and ship to Prague, czech republic ?

    2) Do you accept credit card as method of payment?

    I don’t like to place online orders so can I simply email an order form and have you give me a quote? This will allow the fastest processing of my orders and i will be glad if you can email back with the current price sheet and the list of items you have available in stock at the moment so that i can place my order on them

    I await your email back so i can proceed with the list of products needed

    Cameron James

    Vinohradska 372B
    100 00 Prague 10
    Czech RepublIC
    +420 221879608
    web:under construction

    cameron james on

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